Which dehumidifier do I need?

26th Apr 2015 | |

There are two main types of dehumidifier technology; refrigerant and desiccant with pros and cons for each machine, with differences in the extraction rates, optimum operating temperatures, running costs, size and noise levels.

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers vs Desiccant Dehumidifiers

Refrigerant dehumidifiers use a compressor to cool coils. When air passes over these cooled elements, water condenses and then collects in the tank. Generally, the advantages of refrigerant dehumidifiers are

– A greater extraction rate at the early stage of flood damage when there is a high volume of water

– Easier to set up and move around

Desiccant dehumidifiers work differently with air pulled in and passed through a desiccant wheel which absorbs the moisture from the air. The wheel is then heated so that the process can run again.

Desiccant dehumidifiers can take longer to set up and be less mobile, and they are more expensive to run. The benefits are:

– Strong drying power in cold conditions below 15°C

– Quieter operation than refrigerant dehumidifiers

For more information on how each type of dehumidifier works take a look at our guide.


Which type is right for me?

About 90% of our customers happily use the refrigerant dehumidifiers as they are very versatile and effective in a broad range of situations.

Please call us on 020 7760 7660 for more detail and guidance as to what will be suitable for your needs.