Causes of Residential Water Damage
The 30 Most Common Causes of Residential Water Damage.
The National Flood School have identified the 30 most common causes of residential water damage. These are listed in no particular order as follows:
1. Pipes in the loft – broken or frozen;
2. Blocked guttering;
3. Storage tanks – leaky or over-flowing;
4. Badly fitted bathroom tiles;
5. Broken or poor fitting shower screens and curtains;
6. Shower trays – broken or badly fitted;
7. Baths – poorly plumbed in or unattended;
8. Poorly maintained sealant around bath and shower;
9. Poorly maintained or open chimneys;
10. Flashing around chimney – damaged or poorly installed;
11. Roof tiles – missing or broken;
12. Poorly installed or broken windows;
13. Defrosted fridges and ice machines;
14. Damp proof course – failed or missing;
15. Insufficient or low lying air bricks;
16. Damp proof course – bridged;
17. Old corroded pipe work;
18. DIY ie nailing into pipes;
19. Leaking radiators;
20. Corroded ball valves in toilet cicterns;
21. Blocked sewers and sewage back flow;
22. Unattended or blocked sinks;
23. Appliances – faulty or corroded;
24. Storm drain overflow;
25. Drainage – poor or insufficient (around foundations);
26. External flooding;
27. Insufficient threshold on external doors;
28. Poorly maintained boilers;
29. Hot water cylinders – poorly maintained;
30. Broken aquariums.
So to prevent costly and inconvenient water damage to your home make sure you maintain your property and keep an eye on the above!
If you need any advice on water damage please don’t hesitate to contact us on our 24 hour advice-line 020 7760 7660 or email us at help@dehumidifier-rental.co.uk