London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham – Flood Advice
Hi. It’s been a while since the last blog. Work’s busy for us!
We attended a recent roadshow given by London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham for the purposes of highlighting awareness to the chances of flooding and how to prepare. From their guide to preparing your household for emergencies reads the following basic outline of some of the measures to take:
There are a number of things you can do in advance to prepare for flooding and to minimise effects.
Ensure that you know your property’s risk to flooding and type of flooding. To assess you risk and to find information on flood protection products visit www.environment-agency.gov.uk
If you are in a flood risk area make sure you sign up to receive the environment agency early flood warnings.
If you live in a basement flat you may be particularly susceptible to flooding from surface water during or after a major downpour. There is no early warning service that you can subscribe to for this type of flooding as it is very hard to predict. A major downpour can also put basement flats at risk from a back surge or water through the sewer system. Check out the www.thameswater.co.uk website for information regarding sewer flooding.
If you think you are at risk try to keep a store of sand, plastic sheeting and sandbags that you can use to block doors, air vents, sinks and toilets to try to stop the water coming in to your home.
Check your buildings and contents insurance policy to confirm you are covered for flooding and to check you haven’t underestimated the value of your home contents.
Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies. If you have any doubts you should ask your supplier for advice. Putting stickers on the taps and switches you need to turn off during a flood makes it easier to remember and quicker to do.
Think about what you will do with pets, cars, furniture, electrical equipment and garden furniture should you be affected by flooding.
If safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water supplies when flood water is about to enter your home.
If you home has been flooded you are advised to move your family and pets upstairs, or to a high place with a means of escape.
Do not touch sources of electricity when standing in flood water.
Never drive through flood water. 80% of flood deaths occur in vehicles.
If there is raw sewage in your property you should not enter your property at all and you should seek alternative accommodation until it has been cleanses.
If a flood is likely, put plugs in sings and baths to weigh them down.
Plenty to think about there, and there’s lots more. If you require any further information on cleaning techniques, need help with a water damage damp problem in your property or think you may need to hire a dehumidifier to dry any dampness, then please contact us on 020 7760 7660 or email us at help@dehumidifier-rental.co.uk